Thursday Morning | |
8am: Ryan Mullins, From Divine Timemaker to Divine Watchmaker: An Exploration of God’s Temporality | Emily Qureshi-Hurst, David Anzalone, Dan McLellan, Matt Huffman |
9am: Alan Rhoda, Open Theism | Austin Pounds, Aaron Simmons, Sarah Lancaster, John Sanders |
10am: Susan Shaw & Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Surviving God: God Through the Eyes of Sexual Abuse Survivors | Melissa Stewart, Margaret Frantz, Amy Rasmussen, Kelly Wilson |
11am: Shai Held, Judaism is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life | Steve Watson, Josh Scott, Karen Winslow, Ben Goldstein, Nick Rosas |
Thursday Afternoon | |
1pm: TC Moore, Forged: Following Jesus into a New Kind of Family | Missy Flinn, Tambry Harris, Doral Hayes, Tom Baynham |
2pm: Jory Pryor, Becoming All Light: The Non-Dual Heart of Christianity | Daniel Shin, Brit Hartley, Tracy Tucker, Jim Palmer |
3pm: 3 books in one hour: | |
Deanna Young, When Angels Sing | |
Andrew Davis, From Force to Persuasion | |
Clarence White, Open and Relational Ethics | |
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Friday Morning | |
8am: Lina Langby, God and the World: Arguments for panentheistic and pantheistic conceptions of God-World | Vince Brackett, Josh Patterson, Vicky Dobbs, Tim Bowman |
9am: 3 books in one hour: | |
Manuel Schmid, Open and Relational Theology and its Social and Political Implications: Muslim and Christian | |
Steve Harper, It is Finished: God’s Universal Salvation | |
Chris Fisher, God is Open: The Hellenization of Christianity | |
10am: John Paul Sydnor, The Great Open Dance: A Progressive Christian Theology | Charles Atkins, Natan Margalit, Kyler Vogt, Janel Apps Ramsey |
11am: Bruce Epperly, The God of Tomorrow: Whitehead And Teilhard on Metaphysics, Mysticism, And Mission | Kathy Duffy, Alex Forrester, Carlton Larsen, Philip Avery, Michael Rose |
Friday Afternoon | |
1pm: Dana Hicks, The Quest for Thin Places: How to Find Spirituality After Deconstruction | Paul Darminio, Shannon Mimbs, Annie Derolf, Paul Dazet |
2pm: Ronald Pate, Community Found: A Process for Getting to Good Together | Andrew Kramer, Ulrick Dam, Fred Herron, Chris Jorgensen, Richard Crane |
3pm: Kelly James Clark, God and the Problems of Love | Daniel Rubio, Donna Bowman, Curtis Holtzen, Eleanor O’Donnell |
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Saturday Morning | |
8am: Jason Leisendahl, Gott kann auch nicht alles: Einführung in die Prozesstheologie | Lucas Popel, Marcel Redling, Julia Enxing, Saida Mirsadri, Andreas Loos |
9am: John Pohl, A Theology of the Microbiome | Stan Dobbs, Miriam Chickering, Ian Todd, Steven Luff |
10am: Ryan Canty, Deweaponize: Re-examining the Bible for a more Christlike interpretation | Joe Cash, Monica Ahlbin, Brandon Brown |
11am: Michael Anthony Abril, Evolutionary Theology: A Critical Introduction | Kevin Scott, Jared Morningstar, Libby Osgood, Tim Reddish |
Saturday Afternoon | |
1pm: Catherine Keller, No Matter What: Crisis and the Spirit of Planetary Possibility | Tori Owens, Paul Jones, Libby Tedder Hugus, Matt Baker, Jared Byas |
2pm: Steven Luff, Faith and Sex: Toward a Better Understanding of Recovery, Being, and God | Shaleen Kendrick, Alisa May Johnson, Justin Barksdale, Chris Hanson |
3pm: Thomas Jay Oord and Tripp Fuller, God After Deconstruction | Trevor Bachofner, Tammy Vogt, Colin Conner, Amanda Oster |
4pm: 5 Books in One Hour and 15 minutes | |
Chad Bahl, Mornings with Schleiermacher | |
Gabriel Gordon, The Fundamentals of a Recovering Fundamentalist | |
Jeff Wells, Nichole Torbitzky, Vikki Randel, Preaching the Uncontrolling Love of God | |
John Dally, Putting Essential Kenosis to the Test | |